Space is under attack by an alien threat! Farm planets and build outposts to protect yourself from the invaders while you frantically gather enough resources to defeat the aliens once and for all!

How to play:

- Gather resources and create buildings to defend against aliens

- Build factories to produce Electronics

- Bring electronics to the satellite to construct The Big One


- Left Click: Travel to planet

- WASD: Pan camera

- Space: Recenter camera on player

- Scroll Wheel: Zoom

Note - there is currently an issue where the alien planets don't always spawn at the beginning, but you can press escape and restart to generate a new map

- Edit: Mostly fixed this issue in v1, alien planets will sometimes not have a valid path to the satellite, but that only occurs occasionally. I did fix this after the jam, so download v0 if you would rather play with the original map generation


- Ship Engine from

- Background Music: "Space Ranger" by Moire from uppbeat (License code: YQOUGEW789KUY5NP)

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